Monday, December 15, 2008

Careless remarks

I hate it when government officers make careless comments such as this one:
"Elpiji ini, kenapa sampai langka karena masyarakat sudah seperti orang pacaran. Sekali sudah senang, jadinya terus-terusan deh," katanya sambil tertawa.
Uh, excuse me, Sir. It's not like we were the one who were eager to switch from kerosene to gas in the first place. Wasn't it your part, the government who deliberately kept kerosene supply off the market that its price skyrocketed? Secondly, now that gas is cheaper than kerosene, everyone (by that we mean everyone including households and businesses - small and not-so-small scale) is using it. So isn't it the time for you to stop blaming us for your mediocre supply management???


Anonymous said...

KAdang2 pejabat kita ngomong suka ga mikir plus jg gawenya gak bener. Dipaksa pindah pake gas, eh udah pindah ternyata gas langka dan mitan harganya mahal gila dan langka pulaaa... Ada yg main ni! ...

goooooood girl said...

your blog is so good......

metty said...

@ aprian: A nice theory. I like it!

@ goooooood girl: Thank you.